
Heated/Air Conditioned


3×8′ $44
3×10′ $49
4×4′ $40
4×6′ $44-$57
4×8′ $52
4×10′ $54
4×12′ $56
5×5′ $60
5×10′ $95 $76 – $86
6×7′ $54
6×12′ $77 – $87
6×14′ $82 – $92
8×10′ $89
8×12′ $145 $92
9×12′ $103
9×14′ $107
9×16′ $130
9×18′ $154
10×10′ $138 $112 – $118
10×12′ $165-$175 $114 – $126
11×12′ $180 $119
12×12′ $185
10×15′ $148
10×20′ $170
10×25′ $194
10×30′ $215
10×35′ $230
12×18′ $158
12×20′ $189
14×20′ $212
14×30′ $241

What size do you need?

Clothes, personal items only, i.e. skis, tires, boxes 5 x 5′
1-2 Room Apartment 5 x 10′
2 Bedroom Dwelling 10 x 10′
3 Bedroom Dwelling 10 x 15′ to 10 x 20′
5-7 Room House 10 x 20′ to 10 x 40′